Amy Skinner - English I

English Policies and Procedures

Mrs. Skinner, Room 239


Welcome to English! We have a busy year ahead of us with a lot of work to accomplish.  We will read and write in class multiple times every week.  Some days we will work as individuals and some days we will work cooperatively with others.  Some days we will have whole class discussions and some days we will have presentations.  You will be expected to participate in any and all activities.  Communication is crucial to your success in this classroom.  Please do not hesitate to speak with me at an appropriate time if you have any questions or concerns.


Scroll down to see: Course objective, supply list, textbook information, rules, consequences, classroom procedures, tardy policy, grading scale, grading procedures, and make up work policy. 

Course Objective:  Students will improve reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, while being exposed to a variety of literature and writing techniques.


Supplies:  You are expected to bring these items to class every day!

 One 3” three-ring binder -  Dividers - Loose-leaf paper - Blue and/or black ink pens (no metallic or fluorescent ink, please) - Any books (novels) we are currently reading


Textbooks: Every student has been assigned a password and username that gives them access to the textbook online from any internet source. It is an exact replica of the textbook. Students were also given the option to check a textbook out for the year if they do not have regular access to the internet or simply feel more comfortable with an actual textbook.

Rules – an expected behavior in the classroom

            1. Be on time to class!!! You must be in your seat when the bell rings.

            2. Be prepared! We will begin class immediately when the bell rings so have all  required materials with you at your desk.

            3.  Show respect to everyone and everything!

            4. Be polite!  Treat everyone as you would want to be treated regardless of your opinion.

            5. Do your work and allow others to do theirs!

            6. No food allowed in the classroom!  You may have drinks but only if they have resealable tops.

 Consequences – the results of choices and actions

            1st offense: Warning

            2nd offense: Conference in hall or after class

            3rd offense:  Phone call home

            4th offense:  Office referral and phone call home

* I reserve the right to skip and/or combine steps depending on the severity of the offense.

  Proceduresthe way we accomplish classroom activities1. All homework assignments are due at the beginning of class.  If an assignment is turned in during or at the end of class, it will be considered late. 

2.  As soon as the bell rings, have your materials ready to begin morning exercises.  The schedule for the day will be posted on the board as you enter the classroom each day.

3.  If you arrive tardy to class, discreetly sign the tardy log and take your seat.

4.  All work should be written in blue or black ink, on loose-leaf notebook paper, with your name, date, period, and assignment name in the top, right-hand corner.

5.  Final drafts of essays should be written on the front side of the paper only.  Typing is acceptable (and encouraged) and needs to be written with Times New Roman, in 12 point font, double spaced, with one inch margins, and printed in black ink.

6.  While I am speaking, do not get out of your seat or ask to go to the bathroom. 

7.  Do not line up at the door before the bell rings.  Wait for me to say you may go.

8.  If you have a problem with me or another student, see me outside of the classroom in order to discuss it.  Any problem addressed aloud in front of others in the class will not be discussed and disciplinary action will follow. 

Tardy Policy:                                     Grading Scale:

1st offense: Warning                                             93-100 = A

2nd offense: Phone call home                                85-92   = B

3rd offense:  Phone call home                                75-84   = C

4th and every additional offense:  ISS                    70-74   = D

                                                               0-69   = F


1.  Grades are given on a point basis.  Classwork and homework range from 5-10 points. All formal papers, quizzes, test, presentations, and projects can range from 25-150 points. The more the point value assigned the heavier it weighs on the average.

2.  It is your responsibility to keep track of your grades.  I will give back your graded papers for you to record on a grade sheet.  Keep both the grade sheet and the graded papers in your notebook.  If you have a question about a grade, see me at the end of class.  Do not ask me during class time! Gradespeed is also available to help track your grades.

Make Up Work Policy:

1.  Make up work for full credit will be accepted for excused absences only. 

2.  If you miss one class, you will have three days to make up the work.  For example, if you are absent Monday then you must turn in any missed work by Thursday at the beginning of class.  An additional day is given for each additional day missed.

3.  You are responsible for obtaining your make up work from either me or another student.  See me for any worksheets or handouts.

4.  Write “Absent” in the top right hand corner of any make up work.

5.  Tests and quizzes can be made up after school or during your lunch period.  Please let me know in advance when you will be making up a test or quiz.